Virtual access control.

Platform for Biometric OnBoarding in Digital Channels

Platform for Biometric OnBoarding in Digital Channels (B2B and B2C), based on maching learning tools and artificial intelligence.


Virtual Access Control, to mobility services through the enrollment and authentication of identity based on biometrics, registered with the National Directorate of Copyright under number 13-54-272 of July 18, 2016. It is a solution developed by Bytte® and based in the CORE ByCASB, which allows in very few steps to perform the identification and authentication of clients or users in non-traditional digital channels, in order to authorize the required services and / or deliver the products to the authorized beneficiaries, reducing fraud by impersonation This solution is based on an SDK that allows you to capture fingerprints and a live face in a very few steps through IOS or ANDROID mobile devices.

The solution is developed to support IOS and ANDROID operating systems, allowing the use of different ranges of mobile devices to implement the application.

This application allows:

  • The management of Smartphone-type devices and / or tablets for capturing basic information of the document carrier from PDF417 barcodes or MRZ codes.
  • Enrollment of users after biometric identity validation, in order to minimize fraud by impersonation.
  • It allows the integration in an easy way to the Core systems of the Entity.

Process steps used by ByCAV:

Next, the virtual authentication process is presented and described: With the use of our SDK, the capture of the photo of the Citizenship Card is offered on both sides (front and back), capture of the PDF417 barcode or MRZ codes , additionally it is requested of the fingerprints and optionally it is possible to make the facial capture through a Selfie, this Selfie must be taken guaranteeing proof of life because, during the capture process, the user will be asked to move the head in different directions randomly before capturing the photo.

For the case in which the B2C project (Business2Customer) is developed in which the client from any part where he has an internet connection wants to carry out his biometric authentication process (in self-management mode), an example of the process is presented through captures of images directly from the mobile device for greater clarity and verification of the same.

Next, the process of using the ByCAV tool and the Core ByCASB in the process of capturing biographical and biometric information of the end user of the bank is graphically represented.

Colombia Case

Chile Case